Solutions clé en main pour la conception, fabrication et fourniture d’unités de production de granulé de bois et de lignes de production de granulé
Capacité totale de production installée 3.525.900 tonnes/an
Votre expert en granulation de biomasse
Réduction de CO2 4.300.000 tonnes/an
Votre expert granulation à travers le monde
Émissions purifiées 8.552.000 Nm3/h
PRODESA belt dryer for Tolko Pinnacle pellet plant, already in operation
January 14, 2021 PRODESA successfully commissioned the 325-m2 size belt dryer for the new pellet plant in High Level, Alberta (Canada), owned by Northern Pellet Limited Partnership, the joint venture between Pinnacle Renewable Energy [...]
PRODESA introduces Smartpellet for production monitoring
PRODESA brings out Smartpellet, a predictive software to monitor production process, forecast manufacture levels and assess main indicators performance. Smartpellet uses Machine Learning predictive models to assess the production efficiency main indicators and presents them in [...]
PRODESA, awarded the Extraordinary International Career Prize by the Chamber of Commerce
November 26, 2020 PRODESA receives the «Extraordinary Prize for an International Career» awarded by the Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services. This recognition rewards not only the international career, with an export volume above [...]
Parque Tecnológico de Reciclado López Soriano (PTR) • Avda. Ozono, 39 • 50720 Zaragoza (Spain)