Whistleblowing Channel

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Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. and Smart Operations, S.L. will not accept under any circumstance any non-compliance, ethical principles failure or malpractice.

Employees, clients, suppliers, collaborators, interested groups and members of the Management Board of Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. and Smart Operations, S.L. can use the whistleblower channel to make enquiries related to the Prevention Policy and the Code of Conduct compliance. They can also confidentially report any suspicion, act or omission that could breach the applicable legislation, any irregularity or non-compliance with the values, headlines for action or standards of conduct set in the Code of Conduct, done by a member of Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. or Smart Operations, S.L in the exercise of their responsibilities in the Company.

Check our Prevention Policy 
Check our Code of Conduct

Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. and Smart Operations, S.L are fully committed not only to highest ethical standards but also to regulatory compliance in relations with employees, collaborators, clients, suppliers and stakeholders in every activity they carry out.

To ensure the maintenance of the risk management system and regulatory compliance, the Board of Directors of Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. and Smart Operations, S.L has set a Compliance Committee composed by internal experts advised by an external company specialized in corporate risk management.
In accordance with the Manual of the Risk Management System, the Regulatory Procedure for the activity and operation of the Compliance Committee and the Management Procedure for the Whistleblower Channel, the Compliance Committee of Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. Smart Operations, SL has, among others, the role of managing the Whistleblower Channel, being able to outsource part of it to an external advisor, as well as accomplish research on possible illegal or unethical conduct, awarded by other means.

Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. and Smart Operations, S.L, employees, management board, collaborators, clients, suppliers and any interested member of Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. and Smart Operations, S.L can use this ethical channel confidentially to:

• Submit any inquiry about the interpretation of the Code of Conduct, as well as the legislation and internal regulations applicable to corporate Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. and Smart Operations, S.L regulatory compliance.
• Communicate breaches of the Code of Conduct or of any applicable internal legislation and regulations.

All inquiries and communications will be managed and resolved. However, anonymous inquiries will not be taken in consideration.

In no case, information on the development of the research or the result of them will be provided to the complainants. An absolute confidentiality will be kept on the complainants. The Code of Conduct of Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. and Smart Operations, S.L guarantees no-reprisal for consultations of non-compliance done in good faith.

For more information on the complaint research procedure and method for resolution, consult the Whistleblower Channel Management Procedure.

Make a complaint

To submit a complaint, contact: compliance@prodesa.net

The resolution timelines will be as follows:
• Inquiries will try to be answered within a period not exceeding 10 working days from the reception. Exceptionally, this period may be extended. In this case, the justification will be notified to the denouncer by email.
• Complaints will be investigated to issue a resolution proposal within a 45 working days period from the receipt of the communication.

Information on your personal data processing

In compliance with the Spanish and European regulations on the Protection of Personal Data and Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the personal data provided voluntarily and explicitly by you in this form is considered data of specially protected category. Such data and the information provided to the Compliance Committee through this form will be processed exclusively to resolve the inquiry, notification or complaint made timely and in due form through this channel.The processing of your personal data is the responsibility of PRODESA Medioambiente, S.L. with address at Avda. Diagonal Plaza 30, Plaza Center 20 Building, 3rd Floor, 50197, Zaragoza.

The purpose of the treatment is to process, investigate and / or resolve the corresponding inquiries and / or communications of irregularities or complaints of non-compliance with the Code of Conduct and the Policy for the Prevention of Criminal Risks. It could be also used for facts or omissions representing violations of current legislation, or breaches of the values and guidelines of action established in the Code of Conduct, the Policy for the Prevention of Criminal Risks and the remaining internal regulations of the Criminal Risk Management System of Prodesa Medioambiente, SL and Smart Operations, S.L.
We inform you that the personal data, the message, information or attachments sent will be treated confidentially and managed with the appropriate security measures that guarantee the security of the information and the treatment of your data.

Personal data will be transferred to third-party experts in the resolution of criminal complaints who will inform the Compliance Committee once the complaint is reviewed, in order to safeguard confidentiality as much as possible and enhance the use of this channel.

At any time you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, fold up of your data and limitation or opposition to its treatment by postal mail at Avda Diagonal Plaza 30, Edificio Plaza Center 20, 3ª Planta, 50197 de Zaragoza or by sending an email to the following email address prodesa@prodesa.net, enclosing a photocopy of your ID or substitute identification document (Important to indicate Ref. Personal Data Ethical Channel Prodesa Medioambiente, SL or Smart Operations, SL for the processing data by the Compliance Committee).

For more information: Check our Privacy Policy

Make a complaint

    Data (*) mandatory fields.





    Please, describe all the details and try to be as specific as you can for a correct resolution of the enquiry or complaint you are communicating to the Compliance Committee. Feel free to attach any file to complete the information.



    Based on the following categories, select the one you consider more adjusted to your communication.

    Breach of the laws or internal regulations of Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. and Smart Operations, S.L.
    Ethical misconduct or conflict of interest by any person subject to the Code of Conduct of Prodesa Medioambiente, S.L. and Smart Operations, S.L.

    The approximate resolution period will be as follows:

    • Enquiries will be answered within a period not exceeding 10 working days from the receipt of the enquiry. Exceptionally, this period may be extended and in that case, it will be communicated and reasoned to the person making the enquiry.

    • Non-compliance communications will be investigated to issue a resolution proposal within a period not exceeding 45 working days from the receipt of the communication. However, this period may be extended and in that case, it will be communicated and reasoned to the person making the enquiry.

    The COMPANY assures the strictest confidentiality in reception and processing of personal data provided by website Users through the Internet or any other means. These data will be processed in accordance with the Basic Spanish Law 15/1999 of December, 13, 1999 “Personal Data Protection” (LOPD) and other applicable regulations on the protection of personal data. For more information consult our PRIVACY POLICY. In accordance with the Basic Spanish Law 15/1999, of December, 13, 1999, “Personal Data Protection”, and Directive 58/2002/EC, of 12 July 2002, concerning the processing of Personal Data and Privacy Protection in the electronic communications sector the COMPANY hereby informs its website Users that the personal data obtained by their registering in www.prodesa.net will be stored in an electronic file belonging exclusively to PRODESA MEDIOAMBIENTE S.L.

    The use of this form for commercial purposes is not authorized.
    Read more: Privacy Policy

    * I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the reported purpose.

    Thank you for your trust.

    Contact us for further information: compliance@prodesa.net