PRODESA belt dryer for Tolko Pinnacle pellet plant, already in operation

January 14, 2021 PRODESA successfully commissioned the 325-m2 size belt dryer for the new pellet plant in High Level, Alberta (Canada), owned by Northern Pellet Limited Partnership, the joint venture between Pinnacle Renewable Energy and Tolko Industries Limited. The scope of supply comprises the design, manufacturing and construction as well as the assembly supervision [...]

By |2021-01-14T15:17:35+01:00janvier 14th, 2021|Articles, Articles, News, News (fr), Non classifié(e)|0 Comments

PRODESA introduces Smartpellet for production monitoring

PRODESA brings out Smartpellet, a predictive software to monitor production process, forecast manufacture levels and assess main indicators performance. Smartpellet uses Machine Learning predictive models to assess the production efficiency main indicators and presents them in a customized visual board with real-time data, which will become a key tool to pellet producers to maintain the highest [...]

By |2020-12-01T11:16:32+01:00novembre 27th, 2020|Articles, News (fr), Non classifié(e)|0 Comments

PRODESA, awarded the Extraordinary International Career Prize by the Chamber of Commerce

November 26, 2020 PRODESA receives the «Extraordinary Prize for an International Career» awarded by the Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services. This recognition rewards not only the international career, with an export volume above 90% since 2010, but also the support of their evolution on innovation and technology, and the contribution to the protection [...]

By |2020-12-01T11:16:20+01:00novembre 26th, 2020|Articles, Articles, News, News (fr), Non classifié(e)|0 Comments

L’unité de production de Vietnam, Uju Vina, a commencé à produire les premiers granulés de bois

Observez les premiers granulés de bois de l’unité Uju Vina, à Vietnam. L’équipe d’installation de Prodesa a fini les travaux de démarrage et a mis en fonctionnement la production de l’usine, qui est située dans la province de Phu Tho, au Vietnam. L’unité de production de granulés de bois  a été développé par Prodesa depuis [...]

By |2020-10-08T16:32:43+02:00février 21st, 2020|Article, Articles, Events, News (fr), Non classifié(e)|0 Comments

Prodesa, au salon Bois Energie

Le 29 et 30 janvier, Prodesa sera présent au salon Bois Energie au Parc des Expositions de Nantes (stand Y32 – hall 2). Ce sera l’occasion de vous présenter l’unité conteneurisée « PelletBox » qui conjugue la fiabilité et la qualité des usines de granulés de bois de PRODESA avec la flexibilité d’une installation conteneurisée. [...]

By |2020-10-08T16:32:59+02:00janvier 22nd, 2020|Events, News (fr), Non classifié(e)|0 Comments


This year CMT celebrates the 10th edition of Biomass Pellets Trade & Power Summit in Tokyo, the most important event for the Biomass Industry in Asia. It will take place from the 13th to the 16th of May and it will have over 350 participants. Prodesa will be participating as an exibitor, so we would [...]

By |2019-05-09T11:17:35+02:00mai 9th, 2019|Events, News (fr), Non classifié(e)|0 Comments
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